Monday 28 January 2008

Progress Report: Week 4-5

I decided today that I am going to include de-blog and livejournal posts in my word count. I thought about it for a while, as I'd convinced myself this would be 'cheating', but actually it's not. However, it would be if I included these posts too, so I won't be doing that.

The editing of 'Hiding Behind The Couch' got a bit further before coming to an abrupt halt last Wednesday, on account of paid website work to be done. This is a poor excuse, considering the objective of all this is to make a living as a writer, NOT as a web designer. Still, it may come in handy as a means of adding to my measly earnings from writing, if I ever manage to make anything at all.

As for the rest of it... I'm managing to post to de-blog frequently, livejournal not so much. The Mills & Boon fiasco strives onwards, getting on my nerves and generally failing to inspire me in any way at all.

Flute practice? Hmmm.

1. To edit my first NanoNovel and send it off to agents / publishers.
2. To really work at making a career out of writing instead of just wishing for it. Agent? Please?.
3. To play semi-quavers on my flute without tripping over them. !!!!
4. To post to my blogs and livejournal at least once a week.
5. To write my family recipe book.

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