Friday 11 January 2008

Progress Report: Week 2

Well, at least I manage two steps forward and one step back. There's been no flute practicing, although I'm getting rather adept at Guitar Hero III - this probably isn't something to be proud of.

I'm also still ahead of the game with my NaNoWriYe projects. The Mills and Boon adventure is coming on, not that I'm enjoying it very much. I did momentarily get inspired by the characters yesterday, but that moment passed quickly. I've also started the introductory section to the recipe book, with a small rant entitled 'Too Busy To Cook?'.

I finally did some editing of 'Hiding Behind The Couch' today and got as far as Chapter 12, with no massive problems detected so far, so this is good, I hope.

And I've managed to post to de-blog three times since my last progress report.

Ticking along then I suppose is what I'm doing.

1. To edit my first NanoNovel and send it off to agents / publishers.
2. To really work at making a career out of writing instead of just wishing for it. I still really need an agent.
3. To play semi-quavers on my flute without tripping over them.
4. To post to my blogs and livejournal at least once a week.
5. To write my family recipe book.

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