Monday 21 January 2008

Progress Report: Week 3.5

Yes, so that's the state of play. I should have posted before the weekend, but I've been busy doing birthday related stuff. Dreadful excuse that is part reason, it means I've missed 2 days of writing. Even if I'm still ahead on my NaNoWriYe word count it somewhat subtracts from my achievement of goal number 2. I have emailed an agent today though and the editing of 'Hiding Behind The Couch' is coming along.

1. To edit my first NanoNovel and send it off to agents / publishers.
2. To really work at making a career out of writing instead of just wishing for it. I still really really need an agent.
3. To play semi-quavers on my flute without tripping over them. Ahem - moving on then...
4. To post to my blogs and livejournal at least once a week.
5. To write my family recipe book.

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